Read BookParty-giving on every scale; or The cost of entertainments [c.] by the author of 'Manners and tone of good society'.

Free Download Party-giving on every scale; or The cost of entertainments [c.] by the author of 'Manners and tone of good society'.

Free Download Party-giving on every scale; or The cost of entertainments [c.] by the author of 'Manners and tone of good society'.

Free Download Party-giving on every scale;  or The cost of entertainments [c.] by the author of 'Manners and tone of good society'.

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Free Download Party-giving on every scale;  or The cost of entertainments [c.] by the author of 'Manners and tone of good society'.

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 Excerpt: a confectioner's is from 5s. to 8s. per mould, according to the jelly ordered, and to the size of the mould, Macedoine being the most expensive. The creams usually given at ball-suppers are Crime de Fruit, Crime de Cafe, Crime de Fraises, Crime d Vltalienne, Crime au Harasquin, Crime de Framboises, Crime a l'Ananas; of these one or two are selected for a ballsupper, and it would be sufficient to provide for onethird of the guests. Thus, for a party of 150, 8 creams would be sufficient, the cost of which would average 4s. per cream, flavoured with fresh fruit, while if flavoured with essences they would average 1s. less per mould; but home cooks are not allowed to substitute essences for fresh fruit. A confectioner's charge for fruit cream is from 6s. to 8s. per mould. Home-made Crime de Cafe is far less expensive than is Crime de Fruit, and averages 2s. 4tf. per mould. Chartreuse de Fruit is a smart entremet to give, either Chartreuses di'Abrieots, Chartreuses de Framboises, Chartreuses de Fraises, c. Macidoines de Fruits are also given, the proportion being for onefourth of the guests; thus four quart moulds, or six pint-and-a-half moulds, at from 3s. to 4s. per mould, according to the season and to the fruits chosen, would be sufficient for the before-mentioned number. It is usual to give one or two Gateaux, either Gateau Napolitain, Gateau Bordeaux, Gateau Bretagne, Gateau d la Suisse, Gateau Ginoise glace. The cost of either of these cakes, if made at home, would vary from 5s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. according to size, and from 7s. 6d. to 12s. 6d. if bought at a confectioner's. Nougat d la Cambaceres, Petits Savarins au Punch, and other descriptions of light French confectionery, are provided, although but very little in demand. This light confectionery,... Frederick Douglass 1818-1895. Life and Times of Frederick ... Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Written by Himself. His Early Life as a Slave His Escape from Bondage and His Complete History to the Present Time Including ...
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